US Capitol Hill Congress Economic National Security Interests * FBI Director Christopher Wray + Gerald J H Carroll “Sealed Records Files” *** CAPITAL ARTERIES * CAPITAL CONTROLS MONEY SUPPLY * FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD = CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST = CARROLL SACRED TRUST = CARROLL GLOBAL TRUST = WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL * FBI CYBER SECURITY * FBI G-MEN AGENTS MOST WANTED *** US Department of Justice Most Famous Economic National Security Case

HM Crown Common Law Magna Carta 1215
King John Lord Marshal Barons
Runnymede England

United States of America US Constitution 1776
George Washington Daniel Carroll Founding Fathers


The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Carroll Anglo-American Trust national security public interest case which stretches the globe is understood to have galvanized the US Capitol Hill Congress surrounding the urgent need to formulate in an atmosphere of civic responsibility a concrete way forward to a co-ordinated deficit reduction masterplan for the giant American economy which to date has suffered from systemic political-economic inertia.

The Gerald Carroll Trust estate interests affair is known to be “centered around2 the Leap Castle Trust County Offaly in the “heart” of Ireland the Cities of Westminster the City of London in the “heart” of England and the Commonwealth States of Washington DC and Maryland in the “heart” of the United States of America.


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