The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust corp[orate identity theft liquidation case which stretches the globe has disclosed that President Vladimir Putin is understood to be “closely monitoring” this affair of international importance.
Sources have confirmed that the Gerald Carroll Trusts interests has a deep and wide involvement in the affairs of the Russian Federation which stretches back to the fall of the Soviet Union and through to the Presidency of Boris Yeltsin and on to Vladimir Putin.
The news media reports have highlighted the serious level of white collar organised crime penetration within the “cross-border” intergovernmental law enforcement agencies who are charged with the prosecution of criminal financiers who pose a real direct threat to the socio-economic order of the multipolar community of nations. Terror funding by major banking institutions continues to be also a “clear and present danger” to the Russian Federation.
Gerald Carroll retains investment holdings within the Rostov-on-Don region which are “centered around” one of Russia’s most important Cossack fortresses known today as Starocherkasskaya which is an island settlement upstream from the City of Rostov-on-Don Southern Russia.
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