NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command “Closely Monitoring” – FBI Director Christopher Wray and Gerald J. H. Carroll “Sealed Records” – US MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX = NASA = PROJECT ORION = CARROLL ANGLO-AMERICAN TRUST = PROJECT ORION = NASA = US MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX – US Department of Defense Most Famous Economic National Security Case


The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Carroll Anglo-American Corporation Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft bank fraud case which stretches the globe has disclosed that the US Government powerful NORAD North America Defense Command which is located in the heart of the Cheyenne Mountain range in the State of Colorado is understood to be “closely monitoring” this affair of international importance.

Hard on the heels of the news media reports into the Gerald Carroll Trusts debacle well seasoned political observers in Washington DC have remarked that this case has highlighted the serious level of white collar organized crime penetration within the intergovernmental cross-border law enforcement agencies charged with the prosecution of criminal bankers accountants and lawyers who are now regarded as a “clear and present danger” to the economic national security interests of the United States of America and the United Kingdom’s Commonwealth of Nations.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard London under the joint supervision of the FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Scotland Yard Commissioner Cressida Dick QPM who are known to have an intimate knowledge of this case spanning three continents.



Stanislaw Ulam was a renowned Polish mathematician a “central figure” in the “pivotal” Manhattan Project the author of the Tella Ulam design for thermonuclear weapons invented the Monte Carlo method of computation and suggested “nuclear pulse propulsion” which is still regarded as the key to the future of space travel.

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