Public-Interest Immunity Crown Privilege Identity Theft Exposé – HM QUEEN ELIZABETH II HEAD OF STATE IMMUNITY SCANDAL – CPS Crown Prosecution Service – Kent Police Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott + Kent Police Chief Constable Alan Pughsley QPM – CPS “Criminal Prosecution Files” – CARROLL CHAIR OF IRISH HISTORY OXFORD UNIVERSITY = MAGNA CARTA – KING RICHARD I – LORD BRAMBER WILLIAM DE BRAOSE – KING JOHN – MAGNA CARTA = LORD O’CARROLL OF ELY – LEAP CASTLE COUNTY OFFALY IRELAND * MASTERS OF SUTHERLAND + EARLS OF SUTHERLAND + GERALD 6TH DUKE OF SUTHERLAND TRUST – British Monarchy Royal Family Corporate Identity Theft Exposé in History


The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud bribery case which is encircling the City of London banking institutions has disclosed that the HM Government Crown Prosecution Service is understood to be seriously implicated in this case of international importance.

Sources have confirmed that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain a compelling evidential paper trail surrounding the systematic ransacking a complete theft of the entire contents of Gerald Carroll’s multi-million dollar Eaton Square Belgravia penthouse and Westminster residences in central London spanning a bizarre six to eight years.

Further sources have revealed that the dossiers contain forensic specimen photographic exhibits of the co-ordinated break-ins burglaries and theft of major parts of the world renowned Oxford University Carroll Institute Hertford College academic research establishment which is known to have one of the finest Celtic Cambro Norman archival records that stretch back to the late twelfth century.

In a stunning twist it has also emerged that the files have named the Crown Prosecution Service former Chief Inspector Michael Fuller who was the Chief Constable of the Kent Police Service and the former Kent Police Crime Commissioner Ann Barnes.

Kent Police leaked sources has said that the files contain compelling evidential material which surrounds the Michael Fuller forged and falsified victims statements that are “directly linked” to the shocking Ann Barnes criminal fencing of fine art stolen goods which were an integral part of the priceless Carroll Institute national treasures collections.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the Commissioner Cressida Dick QPM who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.




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The Carroll Institute archival records contain microfiche digital images of the twelfth and thirteenth century court records that concern the life of the ill fated Lord Bramber William de Braose and his close relationship with King Richard I who died from a random cross bow assault wound at Chalus Castle France alongside William de Braose who buried the heart entrails of King Richard Coeur de Lion at the Chalus Castle Chapel. King John came to the throne of England with the support of William de Braose who represented the new king making various royal grants. In 1203 William de Braose was put in charge of Arthur of Brittany who he had personally captured at the Battle of Mirebeau and is suspected of his death being King Richard’s heir to the English throne.

King John greatly favoured William de Braose and deprived Theobold FitzWalter Baron Butler of all his offices and lands in Ireland. Baron Butler and Lord Ely O’Carroll formed an alliance against William de Braose with the support of Irish gallowglass following further royal grants by King John to also seize control of territory within the Kingdom of Ely O’Carroll centered in the heart of Ireland. In 1210 William de Braose fell out of favour with King John and fled to Ireland then Paris France where he died destitute.

William de Braose’s eldest son William married Maud de Clare the daughter of Richard de Clare Earl of Hertford. William with his mother were captured on the orders of King John whereupon they were incarcerated at Windsor Castle and starved to death.


The Lord Marshal sponsored Magna Carta of 1215 was in part brought about by what the historian Sidney Painter called in his biography of King John “The William de Braose story was the greatest mistake King John made during his reign as once recalled to his Barons”.

The manner in which Maud and her son William met their deaths so outraged the English nobility that the Magna Carta which King John was forced to sign in 1215 contains the clause 39 it reads: “No man shall be taken imprisoned outlawed banished or in any way destroyed nor will we proceed against or prosecute him except by the lawful judgement of his peers or the law of the land”.

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