Coutts & Co Chairman Lord Waldegrave and The Earl of Home + Lord Douglas Hurd – Grosvenor Estate Executive Trustee Mark Preston + Jeremy Newsum + Grosvenor Group Chairman Michael McLintock + L&G Lesley Knox – CPS “Criminal Prosecution Files” – HRH THE PRINCE OF WALES DUKE OF ROTHESAY * HRH PRINCE ANDREW DUKE OF YORK * HRH PRINCE EDWARD EARL OF WESSEX * HRH PRINCE MICHAEL OF KENT * HRH PRINCE EDWARD DUKE OF KENT = CARROLL FOUNDATION TRUST + GERALD DUKE OF SUTHERLAND TRUST = HRH THE PRINCESS MARINA DUCHESS OF KENT * KENSINGTON PALACE APARTMENT I-IA * THATCHED HOUSE RICHMOND SURREY * HRH PRINCESS ALEXANDRA THE HONOURABLE LADY OGILVY – City of London Police Most Dangerous Transnational Organised Bank Fraud Bribery Crime Case


The Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud case which is encircling the beleaguered HM Attorney General has revealed that the HM Government use of the Official Secrets Act and a startling array of DSMA-Notice news media blackout protocols is thought to be the spectacular end game in this case of international importance.

Sources have revealed that Fox News along with Sky News are known to be “closely monitoring” the unfolding developments in a case “centred around” the George 5th Duke of Sutherland estate and the Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust Gerald J. H. Carroll “life tenant” worldwide interests.

Further sources have confirmed that one of Gerald Carroll’s lawyers Withersworldwide based in the City of London fraudulently incorporated a shadow “criminal parallel trust” which embezzled more than a bewildering two hundred and fifty million dollars of the Carroll Foundation Trust huge treasury investment holdings in this massive bank fraud heist operation spanning three continents.

10 Downing Street leaked sources have said that the explosive FBI Scotland Yard “cross-border” criminal “standard of proof” prosecution files contain twenty eight forged and falsified UK Companies House and State of Delaware “registered” Carroll Trust Corporations which are “directly linked” to the fraudulent incorporation of Barclays International British Virgin Islands Bahamas Cayman Islands offshore accounts and HSBC Private Banking Gibraltar Jersey offshore accounts.

In a stunning twist the Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co former Chairman Lord David Douglas-Home is also seriously implicated in the parallel fraudulent incorporation of Coutts & Co Gerald J. H. Carroll accounts along with the systematic break-ins burglaries multiple seizures and theft offences “targeted” at the Carroll Foundation Trust multi-million dollar Eaton Square Belgravia penthouse and Westminster residences in central London covering a bizarre parallel six to eight year period.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lockdown at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the commissioner who has an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.


The sensational Carroll Foundation Trust and parallel Gerald 6th Duke of Sutherland Trust multi-billion dollar corporate identity theft liquidation bank fraud bribery case has revealed that the HM Government Insolvency Service senior civil servant David Chapman the former Insolvency Service Chief Executive Sarah Albon and the Insolvency Service Birmingham case officer Graham Rogers are confronting multiple criminal allegations of conspiracy to defraud racketeering embezzlement and bribery on an industrial scale in this case of international importance.

Scotland Yard leaked sources have disclosed that David Chapman Sarah Albon along with Graham Rogers concealed a bewildering array of twenty eight forged and falsified UK Companies House “registered” Carroll Trust Corporations which are “directly linked” to the fraudulent incorporation of Barclays International offshore accounts HSBC International offshore accounts and Queen’s bankers Coutts & Co accounts in this case spanning three continents.

Sources have said that the Companies House subpoena manager based in Cardiff continues to retain a complete audit trail “lock-down” of the forensic specimen exhibits which surround the twenty eight fraudulently incorporated Carroll Trust Corporations and forensic specimen exhibits of the Gerald J. H. Carroll forged signatures which effectively impulsed this massive City of London bank fraud heist.

Further sources have confirmed that the former Business Department Permanent Secretary Sir Michael Scholar until quite recently Chaired the UK Statistics Authority which reports crime statistics to the Home Office as a trusted civil servant which has prompted well seasoned City of London observers to remark that the Scholar family bribery scandal is a function of the HM Government continued bungled attempts to conceal the magnitude of this major public interest case.

This source also revealed that the Scholar family are seriously implicated in the HM Government Department Companies House and Insolvency Service corruption bribery allegations which are “centred around” a bewildering array HM Government senior civil servants including Sir Michael Scholar and his son Sir Thomas Scholar.

It has also emerged that Sir Thomas Scholar is currently the Permanent Secretary at HM Treasury working along side the First Treasury Counsel Sir James Eadie QC who is also confronting major criminal allegations of money laundering offshore tax fraud bribery and obstruction on an industrial scale.

In a stunning twist it has been revealed that Sir Thomas Scholar commenced his professional career with HM Treasury some twenty five years ago with the then Permanent Secretaries Sir Peter Middleton and Lord Terence Burns who following their early retirement went on to become respectively Chairman of Barclays Plc and the Ofcom news media broadcasting regulatory authority in yet another bungled attempt to conceal more than a mind boggling two hundred and fifty million dollars of embezzled funds “targeted” at the Carroll Foundation Trust huge treasury investment holdings.

The Carroll Foundation Trust files are held within a complete lock-down at the FBI Washington DC field office and the Metropolitan Police Service Scotland Yard London under the supervision of the commissioner who is known to have an intimate knowledge of this case which stretches the globe.

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